Ghost Mouse


GhostMouse allows you to record and automate a sequence of mouse clicks

The Ghost Mouse was a ghostly mouse that ate all the food of the Ghostbusters, something that Slimer took the blame for. After Slimer was proven to be innocent, the Ghostbusters trapped the mouse. Marvel Comics 029 NOW Comics Vol. In fact, if you usually open the same programs when you start windows, Ghost Mouse will be the one that will do it from now on. You only have to record mouse movements and click and set when you want it to repeat them. Ghost Mouse will act as if you were moving the muse, so it will run applications, open folders and whatever you want.

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GhostMouse allows you to record and automate a sequence of mouse clicks and keystrokes on a Windows PC. To start the recording process, hit Record and start simulating the keyboard and mouse actions you'd like the application to record. To replay the recorded sequence, hit Play. Compatible with Vista, Windows 7, and 64-bit systems.

Ghost Mouse 20

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